Monday, June 28, 2010

2010 Commodore's Boating Season Message

Welcome to the 2010 boating season. As your commodore I look forward to serving our club and advancing connections to the boating community, particularly those on the south shore of Lake Erie. We have had two very successful events and another colourful sail past complete with piper. As each of us prepare for this boating season, our holidays, and trips onto and across the lake I would like to remind everyone that this club relies on participation by its members for success. Please review the events and choose how you can serve and represent your club at a function. I encourage everyone to attend and to spread the word to ensure we have attendance at each and every event. I encourage everyone to have a safe, enjoyable boating season and look forward to seeing you on the water.

Jodi Shorrock


Dock 3 Slip 50

Offshorr Account

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