Sunday, June 6, 2010

Message from the Commodore

Hello All
I went to the Port Dover LCBO this weekend to discover that any event held by LPBYC in the pavilion at PDHM only qualifies for a permit if LPBYC buys the liquor from the LCBO/Beer Store and either sells it, smart serve qualified staff, or gives it away. Therefore there is no permit that would permit our club to have its members bring their own liquor without violating the law. Our club events, hosted at the pavilion will have to be alcohol free. Any member choosing to bring liquor does so at their own risk. If the club wishes to have an event with liquor it will have to held at a licensed premises such as the Brig.
I have informed Janet that Norfolk County was incorrect if they were suggesting that a special occasion permit would cover a club, its members and the PDHM for the consumption of personal liquor. Janet will be taking this back to the Norfolk County office.


1 comment:

Pj said...

Whoops, that kind of puts a damper on future loud, proceedings, though I expect Norfolk county will police in the usual way:)