Clerk & Council Services
P.O. Box 545, 50 Colborne Street South
Smcoe, Ontario
N3Y 4N5
Request for Deputation
Request for deputation and/or any written submissions and background information for consideration by either Council or Council-In-Committee must be submitted to the Clerk’s Department by 12 noon on the Thursday prior to the requested meeting.
Council Date:
Council-In-Committee Date:
Phone: Home: Business:
Fax: E-Mail:
Name of Group or Person(s) being represented (if applicable):
Details of nature of the business/purpose: (Additional information can be attached separately)
Personal information on this form will be used for the purposes of sending correspondence relating to matters before Council and Council-In-Committee. Your name, address, comments, and any other personal information, is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a report that is available to the general public in a hard copy format and on the internet in an electronic format pursuant to Section 27 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, C.M 56, as amended. The applicant may request the removal of his or her personal information when submitting this form. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Records Management/Freedom of Information Coordinator, P.O. Box 545, 50 Colborne Street South, Simcoe, Ontario,
N3Y 4N5, Telephone: 519-426-5870, Extension 1261; Fax: 519-426-8573; E-Mail: katherine.bristol@norfolkcounty.ca.
VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: www.norfolkcounty.ca
Information for the Public on Making Presentations to Council/Council-In-Committee
We are pleased to provide you with some information that will help make your presentation to Council or Council-In-Committee effective. All Council and Council-In-Committee meetings of Norfolk County are televised. There is frequently an audience at our meetings. It is therefore necessary to follow certain procedures to ensure that your presentation is seen and heard by the Council and Council-In-Committee members, the television audience and the audience in the gallery. Deputations are limited to ten minutes. The following are our suggestions for making an effective presentation:
Provide Information to County Clerk
Provide a copy of your presentation to the County Clerk either prior to or at the meeting.
The County Clerk may be contacted at bev.wood@norfolkcounty.ca or 519-426-5870, Extension 1228. If you are providing a Powerpoint presentation please e-mail a copy to the Clerk by Monday morning prior to the meeting to ensure that it is set up for you when you arrive at the meeting.
Speak through the Chair
When addressing Council/Council-in-Committee or answering a question, regardless of where the question came from, you should always address your comments to the Mayor or Chair. This maintains order in the meeting. The Mayor is addressed as Mayor Travale, Mr. Mayor or Your Worship and the Chair of Council-In-Committee can be addressed as Chair.
Speak into the Microphone
When addressing Council/Council-In-Committee or answering a question, always use the microphone.
· If you must move from your position to use a microphone, please move to the microphone before you begin speaking.
· If you have moved back to a seat in the gallery and you are asked another question, please return to the microphone to respond.
· Do not try to address Council from a seat in the audience as people both in the Council Chambers and watching the broadcast cannot hear you.
Test your Presentation Materials before the Meeting
If you are presenting drawings, documents or a PowerPoint presentation that you wish to display using the projector, you are advised to attend the Council Chambers during the day prior to the meeting to ensure that your presentation can be properly loaded and displayed. Note that any Powerpoint presentation is to be emailed to the Clerk by Monday morning prior to the meeting. Power point presentations should be less than 200 megabytes (equals 210,000 bytes) to run properly. If you need information regarding the presentation equipment in the Council Chambers please contact Colleen Coons, Administrative Coordinator, County Manager’s Office at colleen.coons@norfolkcounty.ca or by telephone (519-426-5870, ext. 1226).
Make sure your Presentation will be visible
When preparing any drawing or document to project using the document camera, or digital projection, you should make sure the text of the diagram will be visible in the Council Chambers. This means that any text or diagram on sheet or overhead is large. If you want your presentation on the screen to be legible for the audience the words on the document or drawings on the sheet of paper should be legible from a distance of 8 feet away (This means using a minimum font size of 24)